When light becomes the message...

An awning can enhance the appearance of a business or restaurant, but especially during the darker months, it often limits visibility as the printed message becomes unreadable.

With the illuminated valance from LUMINARD, your awning transforms into a radiant highlight – day and night. Thanks to our innovative LED technology, your logo remains perfectly visible even in the dark, drawing the attention it deserves.

Make your business stand out and shine, especially during evening and nighttime hours, setting yourself apart from the competition. Your awning becomes a 24/7 advertising tool, attracting customers and keeping your brand in the spotlight.

The illuminated logo not only increases visibility but also leaves a lasting impression on your customers – a crucial advantage in busy, high-traffic locations.

Day-night time-lapse illuminated valance from Luminard
Our electrician is installing a new illuminated valance

No need for a new awning to make your business shine

Bringing your business into the spotlight doesn’t require an expensive new awning. We make it easy to put your logo in the best light.

Instead of replacing the entire awning, we simply upgrade the valance – the hanging strip of fabric at the edge of the awning. Thanks to our innovative system, installation is incredibly easy: the new illuminated valance is custom made to fit perfectly and can be attached to your existing awning in just a few simple steps.

In no time at all, your logo will shine brightly and attract everyone’s attention.

Not only is our solution cost effective and time saving, it is also environmentally friendly. With LUMINARD, you can give your awning a quick, seamless, and lasting upgrade – perfectly tailored to your design and business needs.

Reliable, 100% tailor-made solutions for you!

High-quality elegance that stands out.


When it comes to design, we don’t leave you alone. Our consultants create the optimal solution based on your wishes and ideas. We take your corporate colors into account and surprise you with outstanding solutions.

Colors / Fabrics

We work with almost all suppliers of fabrics and awnings. This ensures that your new valance seamlessly blends into the overall design. Or do you dare to make a bold contrast?


From the planning of the new valance to the materials, power supply, or integration into your smart control system, your consultant is here for you. By phone, email, or on-site if desired.


Installing the new valance is no problem with our instructions. We recommend having it installed by your local electrician. Alternatively, we are happy to take care of the installation ourselves.

Made for customers around the world.

Illuminated awning valance by Luminard – installed at Hermès

Benefit for brand and property

Beyond functionality, it’s also about aesthetics. The LUMINARD valance gives your awning a modern, elegant look that enhances not only your brand but also your property.

Such lighting creates an inviting, professional atmosphere and demonstrates innovation. This impression will leave a lasting memory with customers and guests.

In many cases, traditional illuminated advertising installations are restricted by building codes or heritage protection laws. Here, LUMINARD offers the perfect solution. Our illuminated valance is subtle, permit-friendly, and still an extremely effective way to showcase your business in the best light.

This investment is worth it – for your brand, for your customers, and for the appearance of your property.

With LUMINARD, the first impression starts right outside.

Our premium quality for you

Each LUMINARD valance is handcrafted. Our designers work with you to select fabrics and design elements. Since we collaborate with all major suppliers, we can either match your existing design or create a deliberate contrast. Either way, you’ll create a unique piece for your business.

Our valances are distinguished by premium quality, offering the perfect combination of durability, functionality, and aesthetic design. They are made from advanced, durable materials.

LUMINARD valances and energy-efficient LED components are weatherproof, resistant to rain, wind, and UV radiation, ensuring reliable performance while being easy to maintain.

We now not only produce valances but also signs and other illuminated advertising materials. Please contact us, and let’s get creative together.

Luminard-Illuminated awning valance-Fische-Schmidt-Night

Selected References